Thursday, April 22, 2010

iTunes 9.1 update failed on Windows 7

I just noticed I never wrote this up. The bummer is I have lost the information on the error and the fix. I’ll try to muddle through anyhow :).

This was the iTunes update for the iPad. Well no matter how I tried to install it, it kept failing.

I googled it a million different ways, and though there were a lot of hits on “iTunes update failed to install”, nothing really matched my syptoms, nor did any of the fixes people recommended fix my problem.

I think what I ended up doing was going to Apple’s main site and just downloading the regular download of iTunes/Quicktime, and running that.

I never did find out what the problem was, however I should note this is the second time I have had it. I don’t remember how I got out of it the first time either.

But I did want to post this anyhow, just to add it to the pile of hits to validate that yes, there’s something wrong here.

[Update] I did find the error description, “errors occurred while installing the updates. if the problem persists, choose Tools > download only and try installing manually”.

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