Friday, June 4, 2010

AT&T data plans – the other shoe drops

A couple of days ago I commented on how AT&T’s announced changes to data plans were a total violation of customer trust ( ) because the iPad was promised and promoted with a certain attractive data plan which they are dropping after the iPad has been out only a month. What they are doing should be illegal under some kind of deceptive advertising law.

Anyhow today I’ll try to hold it down on that topic long enough to mention the nightmare the rest of the AT&T data plan changes are going to bring to us. I can’t believe so many folks are congratulating AT&T on saving us $5/month! People, when has AT&T ever cared about your wallet?? Well this is about your wallet for sure, but it’s about making it lighter, not heavier! Read the linked column from MaximumPC. The iPad is a content consumer. It is going to eat data like no one has ever seen. Sure you are using 200mb/month today. That’s for checking your email. Wanna take a guess how much data you’ll be using next year watching hi-def movies?

This move is nothing more or less than the beginning of an industry-wide shift to tiered data plans, which have been threatened and telegraphed for several years now. The owners of the data pipes have no intention of letting content owners get rich while they play the livery-man. They are going to soak us royally for that rich content that is coming. Note how much each extra Gig is. That’s what’s known as a stupid-tax.

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