Wednesday, August 18, 2010

This has all happened before many times

Great article on the trend away from web sites to cloud applications and the business drivers thereof on Wired:

I had not considered this particular discussion (future of www) from this angle before, due to a lack of interest in advertising, which in light of the article appears to be akin to a lack of interest in money, and something of a blind spot. I have previously explored the idea of the internet and http being the new general purpose network, many times, but perhaps not on this blog.

The term cloud computing really begins to make sense here as well. I have been telling people to just substitute the word “internet” for cloud computing. But as this article makes clear (without actually saying it), is that cloud computing is the internet as a backend, without it’s default client, www. It’s a storage device, a computing platform, a delivery network. All these new custom apps are the front end client, or will be. Thus Google’s new Chrome Store, a place to now sell us, as apps, the very content and functionality we’ve been viewing for free as web pages for so long, begins to make perfect scary sense.

There’s a lot more to say about this topic. For instance it’s various back-stories of standard business cycles and even lifecycles. Birth, growth, learning, periods of discovery and wildness, time of work and contribution, injury, sickness, aging, death. But I don’t want to distract from the focus of Wired’s article. I was all for “apps” when they were just an alternate means to reach new audiences with our web content, but now that I can see this new angle of apps being yet another nefarious plot by brick and mortar big business to retain their stranglehold on my wallet and attention. Yikes!

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